Author: yoga shobha

Amrita Yoga Retreat at Amritapuri: Two-Week Immersion Program in 2013 September 2-15

The Two-Week Immersion Program leading up to Amma’s 60th Birthday proved to be a very deep experience. Devotees from around the world arrived for the birthday celebrations early enough to be able to attend this program, the hallmark of Amrita Yoga courses. One strong emphasis of the Two-Week Immersion Program is to help students develop a self-practice so they can continue their yoga sadhana without being dependent on the teachers. Here is what some of the students said at the end of this course: “As the course began, it gradually became an eye-opener. As we progressed, it became something...

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‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Weekend Workshop at MA Center, Navi Mumbai

‘Shiva Shakti: Bringing Rhythm and Stillness to Your Life’ – Restoratives with Therapeutics Weekend Workshop at Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India was conducted on the 28th and 29th of June 2014 by Brahmacharini Shobhana and Gunavati from Mata Amritanandamayi Math, Amritapuri. This was the most awaited summer event for the participants and the third year of Amrita Yoga exclusive workshops at MA Center, Navi Mumbai. Thirty participants attended the workshop. Core principle was to meet the students where they are at present with the therapeutics and restoratives. Each aspect was non-competitive, encouraging every practitioner to work at their own optimum...

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‘Power of Teens’ – Youth Workshop

Fifty-four 9th & 10th grade students participated in this one-day Youth Workshop ‘Power of Teens’ conducted at Amrita Vidyalayam, Secunderabad on June 21st 2014. The focus was to empower them to find their emotional balance and strength as teenagers.   In Amrita Yoga Youth Workshops, we try to confront practical issues not so much by lecturing but by inculcating dynamic positive thinking through activities and games, backed up by yogasanas. Challenges and difficult life situations are introduced into such workshops. The foundation of other techniques such as prayers and mantras create pure vibrations that transform and foster holistic growth. All of these...

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Amrita Corporate Yoga and Therapeutics’ at BHEL, EDN, Bangalore, India

Amrita Yoga instructors came to Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Electronics Division, Bangalore to conduct 5-day ‘Amrita Corporate Yoga & Therapeutics’ workshop exclusively for women. It was the first time for Corporate Amrita Yoga in India. Working women require this Amrita Yoga practice since they have huge responsibility of working at home and at the company. The inauguration was attended by Mr Shankar Subbu, Additional General Manager, Human Resources & Training. He welcomed the team that traveled from Amritapuri, Kerala, India, mentioning how important it was for women to feel their inherent qualities and to feel empowered to act so...

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Sadgamaya Youth Retreat

Youth Retreat Sadgamaya this year took place May 8-10, 2014 at Amritapuri. Around 1,800 children attended, 1,000 boys and 800 girls, all from the 10th grade in Amrita Vidyalayam schools in Kerala. The Amrita Yoga Classes led by Brahmacharini Shobha were an important part of the 3 days’ Sadgamaya schedule. The Archana was done a little earlier, with the boys’ class beginning at exactly 6a.m.,and followed immediately after by the girls’ class. All were sleepy but in a good mood. About fifty International volunteers guided these classes. Our job was mainly to direct the hundreds of youth to their...

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