Author: Arun Ganesan

Flower of Amrita Yoga Blooms in Australia and New Zealand

With Amma’s blessings, Australia and New Zealand were privileged to have Brahmacharini Shobana (Brni Shobha) visit from October 15th through to December 2nd 2019. The full tour schedule included six cities across Australia and three cities in New Zealand. Brni Shobha led back to back programs guided by the Amrita Yoga theme of Awareness with Heart Centered Intention. This was the point of focus not only of Brni Shobha’s yoga classes but of all her interactions and communications with local community members, practitioners, political leaders and university students alike. The programs contained group and private yoga classes, public talks,...

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Amrita Yoga for Women at Amritapuri, India

When Amma, ‘the Mother of all’, gives something, it is for all. Like a good mother, She gives it in different forms to each of Her children. In 2003, Amma gave the full-length, 3-phase Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) technique to the world at large. About 2007, Amma gave the condensed version of the same IAM to the corporate world and to the modern world in general. Amma also devised a short version of the IAM technique for young adults and children. Amma has devised yet another integrated yoga for the uplift of many, called Amrita Yoga. As far back...

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Amrita Yoga, from perfect posture to perfect alignment with the Divine

In July 2019, I was very much looking forward to the first 28-day silent retreat at Amritapuri. Amma initiated these retreats out of her Sankalpa (divine resolve). They are a rare opportunity to step out of the hustle and bustle of daily life and go on an inner adventure. But it was not to be. I had a severe fall in Dublin, fracturing my back, and giving myself a bad concussion. Luckily, Amma was due in Europe in October, and I would get a chance to see her. I was longing forward to her caring back rub and a...

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Opening Our Hearts to New Seeds of Faith

The Amrita Yoga Beginner’s Retreat was four days of bliss by the sea at Amritapuri. Our group came together from all over the world, places like France, Germany, USA, and Brazil, to share in this experience. It was a complete exploration of yoga in all its facets including two asana classes a day; hour long talks by swamis on various topics relating the practice of yoga to the Vedic scriptures, meditations on the beach at sunset, morning archana (chanting the thousand names of the Divine Mother), purification through seva (selfless service) and ending the day with joyous bhajans (devotional singing) with...

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A New Chapter in my Life with Amrita Yoga, India

I would be the last person you would expect to do Hatha Yoga. I’ve never been the athletic type nor had the desire to move my body any more than absolutely necessary. In school, physical education was a nightmare. The teacher and the other students always teased me for my pathetic performance. But then in 2011, a few renunciates were asked if we would be willing to teach the children in Amrita Vidyalayam Schools the Surya Namaskarah. At first I said, “No way! I’m much too busy.” However, the next morning, to my great surprise, I woke up with...

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