Author: Arun Ganesan

Rectifying Our Identity Crisis

Swami Amritaswarupananda explains how we often mistake our true selves for our job, status, or education. Inspired by the teachings of spiritual leaders such as Amma and Śrī Śaṅkara, Swamiji suggests that recognizing our real, divine nature can free us from fear and stress. Embark on an exciting journey from just being a body to discovering your soul, moving from a life shadowed by fear to a life full of courage, peace, and unchanging happiness – the authentic you!

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Why Yoga in the Outdoors Really Helps You Reconvene with Nature

Practicing yoga outdoors helps combat the modern nature deficit disorder, bringing about a renewed appreciation for our environment. Doing asanas in nature not only reduces depression but also enhances our emotional well-being, leading to improved relationships with others through more patience and compassion. We can do this even in urban settings by adding a plant or incorporating natural elements into our yoga space.

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Spiritual Changes for the Pandemic & Beyond

As COVID-19 has prompted us to reflect on our attitudes and actions, we must remember the lessons from past eye-openers and strive to keep the resolutions we make. Swami Amritaswarupananda encourages us to remember nine principles if we wish to make lasting changes to our habits. If we can keep these resolutions alive, we will attain both external and internal wealth, and embrace the vision that the world and God are one.

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Instrument of a higher purpose: Interview with an Amrita Yoga Instructor

Read about how—during yoga training at the ashram—one of Amrita Yoga instructors experienced a deep inner transformation that helped her overcome a longstanding fear of public speaking. Hers is one of many examples how Amrita Yoga goes beyond physical asana practice and improves mental and spiritual wellbeing. Author: Team Amrita Yoga, Amritapuri based on the responses of the Amrita Yoga Instructor. Amrita Yoga: How has meeting Amma changed your life? Being in Amma’s presence always renders countless realizations, miracles, lessons and transformations.  There is one memorable incident that occurred while I was attending the Amrita Yoga Training in Amritapuri. I had always struggled with a deep, and painful karmic wound of which I had made a concerted effort to heal, to overcome. Since early childhood I experienced a sheer terror of speaking in public. When activated it had a paralyzing and often debilitating effect.  My nature is to be in the background. Added to this an overly sensitive awareness, and a history of trauma. It was while attempting to teach the students that this wound was painfully revealed. While teaching I lost the complete ability to think, speak, move; I completely fell apart. Shattered, humiliated, and embarrassed I immediately sought refuge and solace by the sea. Always, in these times, nature soothes me, always my sanctum sanctorum.  While headed towards this safe haven, I encountered a sea of people....

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Starting an Urban Tree Advocacy Group

“The creation and the Creator are not two but One,” Amma constantly reminds us. It is this principle that informs and motivates the various environmental programs and green initiatives of Embracing the World. India’s culture is one wherein everything one sees serves as a reminder of the all-pervasive nature of the Divine. At its heart, this perspective acknowledges that all names and forms are but various manifestations of the one all-pervasive consciousness that serves as the substratum of creation. Nature is a beautiful expression of the creation, and in Nature, many people find a connection within, a space for...

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