Author: Arun Ganesan

Let us Be a Loving Example

  When we find a treasure, we have a tendency to share our discovery. At the beginning of my spiritual path, I felt very enthusiastic about sharing the truths I was experiencing with others, especially my dear ones. But soon I discovered that apparently they were not receiving this information with the same intensity as I was. I also noticed that I used lots of effort and energy trying the difficult task of changing their points of view and widen their minds. I realized that this effort was in vain. It is necessary to have an inner longing, an...

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Where Amma is, there is Amritapuri

It was the beginning of dawn, but the sun seemed hesitant to rise. The Ayodhyavasis, dwellers of Ayodhya, were praying that the sun never rose. This day would take away Lord Rama. All Ayodhyavasis mourned their immanent loss. Many were agitated at the injustice of Rama’s exile. He was their God in human form. Only three people enjoyed divine peace: Lord Rama, His inseparable divine consort, Sita, and His beloved brother, Lakshman. They were a family who cared nothing for luxury, sensual enjoyment or personal comfort. Theirs was a life of duty, dharma and sacrifice. Even Valmiki, the author of the...

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What a Difference is Amrita Yoga Beginners’ Retreat at Amritapuri

How was my experience of the 4-Day Beginners’ Amrita Yoga Retreat? I really enjoyed it. I expected I was going to enjoy the retreat, but I really, really enjoyed it! I had very little experience with yoga asana; in fact, I only tried it once fourteen years ago and hated it. That particular teacher pushed me into all kinds of impossible positions so that for the next few days I was almost unable to walk. I thought, “This is rubbish!” But then I heard so many positive reviews about the Amrita Yoga retreat that I felt I should give...

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