Amrita Yoga for Kids, Pre-Teens and Teens

Learning Through Fun & Action

Amrita Yoga for Kids, Pre-Teens and Teens
Ages 4-14

“Hurry, hurry, hurry” That’s the world kids live in today. School stresses and peer pressure.
Busy parents. Trying to be cool. Cyber-bullying.

When do they get to be kids and just have fun?

amrita yoga kids series

Kids learn through PLAY and FUN. They love action! We use movement, story-telling, games, song, and dance to introduce kids to yoga. Creativity and fun are a must! Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness. It’s non-competitive.

What Kids Say

"It's fun!"

“It’s fun; we get to play with the [yoga] cards.”Amrita Prasad (Ethan), 7 years old

"It's fun!"

“I am relaxed when I am doing yoga.” – Jivan, 5 years old

"It's fun!"

“I like when we play games like 123 yoga.” – Tara, 7 years old

"It's fun!"

“I like when we do the elephant pose because it’s funny.” – Kobi, 4 years old

Fun & Joy from Indian School Kids
Amrita Yoga is FUN for these Kids – Watch

Yogis developed yoga postures thousands of years ago. They lived in harmony with the natural world. They used animals and plants for inspiration.

Kids imitate nature and become part of the play of life. Every part of Nature has a lesson for them. Roaring like lions, makes them feel powerful; like kings or queens of their realm!

Through stories, they can reflect on the qualities of the tree. As Amma says, trees give us shade, food and even their life for our shelter. This is yoga’s true meaning: expression, union, and compassion. And respect for everyone’s part in the web of life.

The turtle teaches them to go into their shell when they need to. They learn it’s ok to withdraw and not get involved. Standing like a tree makes them feel a steady strength. They can reach high and root deep.

Long ago families did yoga together. They didn’t go to a class. It was part of their daily life. They inhabited their bodies in tune with nature. They were also aware of the soul that animated them. Yoga enlivens deep rooted values and traditions. Values like friendliness, self-discipline, love, and service.

Through yoga, kids keep their body and mind healthy, limber and calm. Kids deal with challenges easily when they’re relaxed and happy. Easy breathing practices help kids overcome fear, anxiety, and anger. Our program engages children’s bodies, minds, and spirit. Amrita Yoga honors their way of learning. The foundation for a lifelong yoga practice can develop at a young age.

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Description of Classes

Amrita Yoga® for Kids uses movement, story-telling, games, songs, and dances. We also use nature-based activities to introduce yoga. Kids learn a kid’s version of Sun Salutation. It is based on the myth of Lord Hanuman; their favorite monkey God! Each class ends with guided meditation and relaxation time.

Every workshop and class is unique – tailored for the group involved. We teach classes and workshops in schools, community centers and villages in India. International classes are available at Amritapuri – the home of Amrita Yoga. The ashram is located in southern India in the state of Kerala. This is the home of Mata Amritanandamayi, or “Amma”. She is the source and inspiration for Amrita Yoga. At Amritapuri, kids experience the living tradition of yoga. They become a part of the exciting community of yoga kids around the world!

“The wealth that parents really need to impart to their children is culture and proper values.”

Benefits of Amrita Yoga

Mind and Emotions list for Amrita Yoga
Body list for Amrita Yoga
Life Skills list for Amrita Yoga