Author: Arun Ganesan

Spirituality is the Practicality of Life

The worm also eats, sleeps and procreates, so what is the difference if we merely do the same? Just as we pardon our hand when we poke our eye, we should be able to show compassion and forgive the faults of others. Their joys and sorrows become our own when we see ourselves in them through compassion. That is the essence of spirituality. Knowing we will get burned touching fire, and an electric shock from a live wire, we will also come to understand the nature of the world and its relationships. We will learn to deal with them...

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 Can Amma explain the benefits of practicing Surya Namaskarah?

Can Amma explain the benefits of practicing Surya Namaskarah? (Question to Amma at the beach on Monday, Sept 14, 2015) Amma’s Answer – In the olden days, Yoga was part and parcel of daily life. Nearly everyone practiced asanas as a daily routine like brushing their teeth or taking a bath. Surya Namaskarah was an essential part of their practice. It was a natural expression of gratitude to Mother Earth, the One who supports us as our mothers bore us in their wombs. When Amma was young, she would bow to Mother Earth and offer prayers to the sun....

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Star Gazing

Brahmachari Atmaprakasha Chaitanya (Ramkumar) addresses the importance of choosing a role model with integrity. His story of how Amma modeled compassion is startling. Some time ago, a devotee told me his name was Jimbo. Seeing the puzzled look on my face, he explained, “An English film made such an impression on my father that he named me after its hero… a monkey.” Film stars and celebrities exert great influence. When they endorse products, their fans believe they can buy into their lifestyles. Such infatuation doesn’t stop there: admirers imitate hairstyle, dress, mannerisms and accents. We may even hear of...

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Universal Motherhood: What that Means

The theme of our 4-Day Intermediate to Advanced Amrita Yoga Retreat (January 27-31, 2015) was Universal Motherhood. As a man, I felt somewhat marginalized, but it took me by surprise and led me to the truth in a loving way. Coming from the strenuous background of Ashtanga Yoga, I was expecting an asana class centered on motherhood that would be too easy and gentle. Instead it was intense, fun-loving and challenging. I come from a culture that views motherhood with condescension, even so-called feminists daring to treat wives and mothers with disdain. But this was different. The first-day asanas...

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Amrita Yoga at Prisons in India

The Circle of Love, an initiative by Mata Amritanandamayi Math, has started Amrita Yoga classes in the prisons of Kerala. Mata Amritanandamayi Math helped prison inmates by conducting holistic workshops that motivated them to willingly pursue the path of good citizenship. The Amrita Volunteers reached out to more than 50 prisons including central prisons, district prisons, sub-jails, and special sub-jails spread across Kerala. The session started with a brief introduction followed by Yoga practices, ice-breaking games, philosophical discussions, and Ma Om meditation. The sessions were concluded by chorus chants of the universal prayer for world peace and happiness, Lokaha...

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