Amrita Yoga for Youth/Young Adults

Unleash Your Potential

Amrita Yoga for Youth/Young Adults
Ages 15-25

Focus of Classes

Most of us know yoga empowers you physically. But it calms the mind and emotions too. You can become alert and aware in the present moment. Ready for whatever comes your way!

You’re stressed – you’ve got a tough exam or friend or relationship issues. Amrita Yoga has tools to relax the body and mind and balance your emotions. The body and mind will work for you rather than you working for them! You can focus and concentrate on your goals. You learn how to be happy and efficient instead of wasting time worrying or losing sleep.

Today’s world is complex and fast-moving. Amrita Yoga helps you find your path. You learn how to stay true to your values and how to use your unique abilities to help others. You become someone who gives to the world instead of just taking.

amrita yoga handstand asana

Amrita Yoga workshops offer a unique approach to yoga postures using skillful awareness. Awareness is a tool for life. This practice will make your body and mind healthy, limber and calm. This opens your creativity and inner knowing. With this new awareness, you will find positive solutions to challenges easily.

We teach classes and workshops for youth in schools, universities and community centers in India and globally. International classes and workshops are available at Amritapuri Ashram in southern India, Kerala. The ashram is the home of spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi, known as Amma. She is the source and inspiration for Amrita Yoga. At Amritapuri, you experience the living tradition of yoga. And you become a part of the exciting community of global youth!

Description of Classes

We design our classes to challenge and relax you at the same time. You’ll get stronger and more flexible. Your physical, mental and emotional life will become balanced. The classes are non-competitive. You learn how to support each other through partner work and group games. This way, advanced students and beginners can learn from each other.

Yoga goes beyond the physical postures. It is the practice of life – how to find and follow the path to reach your highest potential. This is so important. Young people face unique issues affecting all of humanity. We offer workshops on how to tackle today’s challenges. We empower you with practical skills to deal with life. Each workshop and class is unique – tailored to the needs of your group.

Past Workshops

1-Compassion in Action
2-Protecting the Environment
3-Stress Management
4-Sustainable Living
5-Svadharma (living in tune with your unique skills and talents)

amrita yoga side hand stand asana
amrita yoga one leg standing asana

Amrita Yoga Will Help YOU

Youth Mind and Emotions amrita yoga
Youth Mind and Emotions amrita yoga
Youth Mind and Emotions amrita yoga

“Yoga is beneficial for our health, physical beauty and mental discipline. It helps reduce our cholesterol, and helps maintain cardiac health. It increases our bone strength. This is especially important as the incidence of arthritis and osteoporosis is on a steep rise. It even helps improve our memory power.”

“Yoga creates powerful spiritual vibrations. These vibrations affect us positively, as well as others. It is like entering a perfume factory. Even after emerging, the sweet fragrance will remain on our body, pleasing both to others and us. When we perform yoga with complete awareness, it purifies each and every cell in our body.”
