Yogi Ramsuratkumar on Amma

Mar 2, 2021Explore Talks, Yoga Talks0 comments

Mata Amritanandamayi or Amma from Kerala had spent ten days in Tiruvannamalai in the mid-eighties. Yogi Ramsuratkumar happened to catch a glimpse of the young Ammachi on the streets of Tiruvannamalai during the Karthigai Deepam or festival of lights.

The ‘divine beggar’ looked at her and remarked, “Goddess Kali is walking on the streets and no one recognizes her.” Witnesses described their meeting at the great temple chariot tower as sweet and delightfully spontaneous. He would later often say, “This beggar has had the darshan of Mata Amritanandamayi.”

On the other hand, Amma referred to Yogi Ramsuratkumar as an Avadhuta or enlightened being who, despite being beyond worldly concerns, ceaselessly worked for the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar was revered as a great saint. He spent most of his life Tiruvannamalai. Born near Varanasi, he was blessed with the association of many spiritual gurus since childhood. He went in search of a guru and met Sri Aurobindo and Ramana Maharshi in the 1950s. After their mahanirvana, he was initiated into the great mantra Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram by Swami Ramdas, which he chanted until his last breath.

Click here to read more about Amma’s trip to Tiruvannamalai


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