The World Belongs to the Compassionate

May 20, 2018Jnana (Wisdom) Talks, Yoga Talks

Todaiji Daibutsu buddha statue“Why do people come to Amma?” This question is often asked. All the people that come to Her have a common reason. My mind goes back to my school days when we were taught an incident which took place in Sri Buddha’s life.

Buddha was in his teens. His name then was Siddhartha. He was strolling in the palace garden when suddenly a wounded crane fell down at his feet. As the very embodiment of kindness, Siddhartha picked up the crane, caressed it and started walking towards the palace to treat the wounded bird when he heard the voice of his cousin Devadutta, who came running claiming that the bird belonged to him as it was him who shot it down with his bow and arrow. Buddha refused to give the bird to him, took it to the palace and nursed it till the wound had healed.

Why do people come to Amma? They don’t come, they are drawn towards Her by Her ever flowing, overflowing compassion!

Devadutt again came and demanded to have the bird but Siddhartha would not give it to him. They both then went to the court and asked for justice. Devadutt said that the bird rightfully belonged to him because he shot it down. Siddhartha refused to give him the bird, because he knew that Devadutt would harm the bird.

Finally, with the consent of the king, a wise minister said “Let the bird decide his owner, let the two princes stand apart on either side of the hall and let the bird be kept in the middle. Let us see what the bird does”. The court soldiers did as the minister said. The bird walked straight towards Siddhartha leaving Devadutt frustrated and humiliated! The bird walked towards the compassionate one! Yes! We have the answer now.

Amma Consoling, drawingWhy do people come to Amma? They don’t come, they are drawn towards Her by Her ever flowing, overflowing compassion! The world belongs to the compassionate! Lakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity chose Vishnu (as her consort) because of His Infinite Compassion. Shakthi, the Goddess of power (creative power) chose Siva because of His detachment and Saraswathi, the Goddess of knowledge and the arts chose Brahma because of His Pure and Creative mind. The Supreme Being from time to time walks on the earth in human form. He has a pure creative mind, infinite compassion and total detachment and so knowledge, wealth and power follow Him.

“Purusha eva idam Sarvam”

“Everything we see around us is a manifestation of the Supreme Being”

young man meditating padmasanaWhen a patient is sitting in front of a doctor, how should the doctor’s attitude be? “Here is a manifestation of the Supreme Being, sitting in front of me! Here is a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord!” Our Acharyas, spiritual teachers, have taught us to convert every action into a worship. The doctor’s predominant thought must be based on compassion! “Here is a suffering man, O God, give me the knowledge and strength to help him!”

Compassion for Everyone

If this is the predominant thought in the doctor’s mind, he can see Dhanvanthari Bhagavan, Father of Ayurveda and physician to the Gods, with the bowl of Amrita or immortal nectar, standing beside him! Amma has only compassion for every being that comes to Her, not only to patients.

As Amma’s children, let us try our best to that those in front of us are also Ammas children and be ever ready to offer any service we can to them. Amma, bless this little child of yours so that the only thought in my mind is my duty and responsibility to you and your children who are around me!

We pray to our compassionate Divine Mother to fill our hearts with peace, love and compassion and let them overflow filling the entire world with the same peace, love & compassion!

Like the Buddha, the Same Supreme Being came down again in a human form, this time a woman’s form! Compassion itself in a human form.

Buddha lived for 82 years and attained Nirvana. He did not travel much, but sent His five hundred disciples all over the world to spread his message of light and love.

blue pond flower with small fishHere again we see in Amma the supreme being filled with love and light. And this divine being Herself travels bringing Her grace to all her children all around the world.

The Indian word for festival is ‘uthsavam’ which comes from the word ‘uth-sravam’ which means ‘to overflow’. The collective divine vibrations of the mantras chanted by thousands of devotees fills their hearts, the entire temple in which they worship and over flows to the surrounding areas. During the ‘Brahmasthanam Maha Uthsavams’, which are big festivals that are conducted at temples constructed by Amma in India, this is what happens. We pray to our compassionate Divine Mother to fill our hearts with peace, love and compassion and let them overflow filling the entire world with the same peace, love & compassion!

Author: Swami Amritageetananda Puri

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