Yoga Retreats at Amritapuri

Sep 16, 2018Hatha Talks, Yoga Talks1 comment

Yoga Retreats at Amritapuri

seated spinal twist with arm raised, yoga retreats“Amrita Yoga has opened me to the real feeling of the deeper journey into my purpose. I feel a new connection with myself, with my heart and my body.”  – Anthony Irles

​In India, it is believed that the greatest gift is knowledge. Yoga and meditation were divined in ancient India by rishis (sages or seers) to help people achieve a healthy balance in mind and body. They work together to help us gain higher consciousness.

It is in this spirit that Amrita Yoga retreats are offered. Classes are taught by longtime ashram monastics, residents and international devotees. They have followed Amma’s teachings for many years, and are inspired by Amma’s example of love, compassion and service. They volunteer their time, viewing their work as seva (selfless service).

backbend pose asana amrita yogaAmrita Yoga is intended to deepen your awareness of the present, to nurture your physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and to expand your sense of joy.

A Yoga Retreat for Body, Mind and Spirit

It is our hope and prayer that your mind and body will be refreshed and rejuvenated, and your heart will feel deeply nourished during the time you spend with us.

tropical beach with sand and ocean amritapuriIn most yoga retreats, participants will receive an illustrated handout to support their ongoing daily practice of this holistic yoga – a foundation from which you can journey to your true essence.

Those who attend yoga retreats while Amma is at the ashram will also be able to receive Her darshan. (Literally this means to see a holy person. However, Amma embraces each person who comes to see her, and for that reason she has been called ‘the hugging saint’).

“Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love.”
– Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi)

Amrita Yoga Retreats are open to all levels of experience.

Inspired by Amma, our asana practices are not just about technique, they are infused with heart-centered awareness. Practitioners feel deeper peace, contentment, compassion and creativity after experiencing an Amrita Yoga retreat.

Yoga and meditation were divined in ancient India by rishis (sages or seers) to help people achieve a healthy balance in mind and body.

It is our sincere hope that Amrita Yoga will become a regular practice for you, a sadhana you can do on your own when you return home, or wherever you are.

amrita yoga class side bend“I always had trouble balancing in Tree Posture. But in this class, when we began with awareness of the heart, it happened effortlessly! I felt more fully present… softer… I was available.” – V

Retreat Elements

Each class introduces the hallmark elements of Amrita Yoga:

A deep focus on the Surya Namaskarah sequence, consistently included in classes.

  • Inner and outer alignment
  • Simple, profound breathing practices
  • Internal chanting of mantras during asana practice
  • Integration of Amma’s teachings

ashram orange flowerYoga Retreats are offered from August to September, and from December to March each year, depending on Amma’s tour schedule.

Typical daily schedule

(Please note, the actual schedule can vary from one retreat to another.)

5:00 – 6:10 – chanting of the 1000 Names of the Divine Mother – bhakti yoga
7:00 – 9:00 – morning asana – hatha yoga
9:00 – 10:00 – breakfast
10:15 – 11:15 – satsanga (wisdom talks, usually given by swamis or longtime monastics)
11:30 – 12:30 – seva (selfless service) – karma yoga
12:30 – 15:30 – lunch and free time
15:30 – 17:00 – afternoon asanas – hatha yoga
17:00 – 18:00 – meditation – raja yoga
18:30 – 20:00 – bhajana (devotional singing) – bhakti yoga
20:00 – 21:00 – dinner

Author:  Team, Amrita Yoga Amritapuri

As always, thoughtful comments are invited and appreciated. Share your reflections with us! See below to leave a comment.


1 Comment

  1. Brahmacharini Shobhana

    Pls visit our website calendar.

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