An inspired person who accompanied the students of Amrita University during Village Internship during June 2016.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on a naked toddler as I toss him in the air and catch him, to his repeated squeals of delight.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on a toothless old shephersess as she poses proudly for my camera.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on an elderly host that waits on me as I partake of his humble meal, while he himself would go hungry.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on the senior mother as she spots me sweating under a tree and insists on fanning me with her hand-fan.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on the dozens of hands that reach out to offer a glass of water as I pass by each door on a street.
Is there a face of poverty?
Certainly not on the little ones in tattered clothes that compete to offer me handfuls of berries picked from the forest.
O mind, having acquired wealth you have yet become poor,
Having acquired knowledge you have yet become uncultured,
Having acquired vast social circles you have yet forgotten love.
Author: Sriram Devanathan