2018 International Day of Yoga in Switzerland

Dec 9, 2018Hatha Talks0 comments

idy 2018 switzerland large group picOn June 21 2018, around ten thousand people worldwide celebrated the fourth International Day of Yoga. In Switzerland the M.A. Center Foundation in Flaach and the Indian Embassy in Berne organized a festive yoga night in the Ziegelhütte Seminar Center. This event helped to expand authentic yoga in Switzerland.

“Yoga is the path in order to live a calm, creative and content life. It can lead the way by dispelling tensions and pointless fears,” said India’s Prime Minister Modi on Twitter. international day of of yoga idy yoga in switzerlandAt his suggestion, the United Nations proposed the resolution and 193 countries unanimously passed the resolution. Thus June 21 was declared to be celebrated as the International Day of Yoga.

Visit of the Indian Ambassador in Switzerland – April 2018

Prior to the June 21, 2018 IDY celebrations, The Indian Ambassador in Switzerland, George Sibi, came to visit the Ziegelhütte. The program included presentations about the centre’s activities, the charitable organization “Embracing the World,” and a tour of the 240 year-old building.

Yoga is the path in order to live a calm, creative and content life.

Theresa Hadorn, Director of Ziegelhütte, and Werner Iser, President of the M.A. Center Switzerland, greeted Ambassador Sibi his wife with a bouquet of flowers and introduced some of the volunteers of the seminar centre. “I am happy to be here and thank you for the wonderful reception.” the Ambassador said.

idy 2018 yoga in switzerland group classThe Ziegelhütte team showed presentations on M.A. Center Switzerland, AYUDH youth organization and the NGO Mata Amritanandamayi Math whose charitable projects are summarized under the name “Embracing the World”.

The Ambassador was also impressed that the activities of Ziegelhütte were all being carried out by volunteers, which includes preparing Amma’s annual visit to Winterthur. “I know how challenging it can be to manage volunteer-based projects,” he said, “but I feel that everybody is very motivated and positive.”

International Day of Yoga in Switzerland in the Ziegelhütte in Flaach

idy 2018 switzerland group picThe three representatives of the Indian Embassy came to the Ziegelhütte especially for this occasion and they learned about Yoga and Ayurveda. To everyone’s surprise, they also  gave away lovely Yoga T-Shirts. Almost 30 people came to learn more about yoga.

To quote Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma) on the value of yoga, “Yoga is the means to awaken boundless strength within and to realize one’s full potential by training body, mind and spirit in an appropriate way.”

award gift idy 2018 switzerlandAfter an explanation about the history and meaning of yoga, the participants had the chance to practice yoga under professional guidance in a special yoga sequence.

Afterwards, the singer Bijayasrii and pianist Bruno Steffen enchanted the visitors with wonderful Indian music. The evening ended with Indian snacks and animated conversations in the beautiful, secluded Ziegelhütte garden.

If you’re in or near Switzerland and you want to practice yoga in Switzerland, you are welcome come every Wednesday night or every two weeks on Thursday night at the Ziegelhütte. You can find out more on our website www.ziegelhuette.ch or call us on +41 52 318 13 00.

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