The Circle of Love, an initiative by Mata Amritanandamayi Math, has started Amrita Yoga classes in the prisons of Kerala. Mata Amritanandamayi Math helped prison inmates by conducting holistic workshops that motivated them to willingly pursue the path of good citizenship. The Amrita Volunteers reached out to more than 50 prisons including central prisons, district prisons, sub-jails, and special sub-jails spread across Kerala.
The session started with a brief introduction followed by Yoga practices, ice-breaking games, philosophical discussions, and Ma Om meditation. The sessions were concluded by chorus chants of the universal prayer for world peace and happiness, Lokaha Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.
The inmates remarked that it was a blessing in disguise for them to have such sessions in a prison. They remarked that it was the first time to experience peace imbued with physical and mental relaxation. They were touched by this opportunity extended jointly by the prison department and Mata Amritanandamai Math.
The yoga & meditation sessions conducted by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math were held since 2018.
Amrita Volunteers are convinced that this initiative accomplished its prime goal of reducing stress among inmates and gave them a sense of purpose in their lives. We believe that such programs would have a meaningful impact on society at large, including Police personnel across the nation. The initiative is still being successfully conducted in Kerala prisons, helping the inmates cultivate a wholesome mind and facilitate their re-entry into society.