Yoga is not like an ordinary physical exercise routine that you practice for one or two hours a day. It is a comprehensive way of life that gives a high level of importance to dharmic values and principles.

Director’s Message

Amrita Yoga® isn’t just about the asanas—it’s much more. It’s about aligning with our true Self. If yoga were only about aligning parts of the body, anyone with perfect bodily alignment would be Self-realized. Alignment is an inside-out approach. Aligning to the inner presence enhances the panchakoshas (five layers of the body described in the yoga scriptures) and is the actual alignment.

Amrita Yoga® supports us in establishing a positive and harmonious lifestyle. The practice moves us beyond the asana and breath into stillness and our innate silence by utilizing breath, chanting, and awareness. This experience of attunement extends into our family life and resonates with everything in creation. Oneness becomes part of our day, something we experience, not an unattainable ideal.

Amrita Yoga® has a long history of outreach, serving communities globally. Our curriculum is rooted in Sanatana Dharma and inspired by the living example of Amma and Her teachings.

We are committed to upholding Amma’s example of love and selflessness and bringing India’s rich and ancient yoga tradition to future generations. We continue to offer yoga as an essential tool to experience the innate happiness within us.

Among the many blessings of Amrita Yoga®, for which we thank Amma, we are most grateful to each of our precious volunteers for their selfless service. Amrita Yoga® could not have grown to what it is today without them. We are all so fortunate to have Amma’s presence and guidance. She is our Mother and Adiguru (first teacher).

About the director of Amrita Yoga

Brahmacharini Shobha began her yoga journey at the age of five, guided by her uncle, Swami Vijnanananda, a Sannyasi disciple of Swami Sivananda, who led her to publicly demonstrate asanas.

Irresistibly drawn to the universally revered Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known to millions as Amma, Shobha dedicated her life to Amma’s teachings. Under Amma’s personal guidance, she gained profound spiritual insights, which led her to become an emissary for Amrita Yoga®.

Born from Amma’s sankalpa (divine intention), Amrita Yoga® was inspired by unconditional love and a commitment to serve the world. Shobha developed Amrita Yoga® under Amma’s direct guidance. This unique school of yoga is focused on awareness with heart-centered intention, transcending the physical aspects of asana practice.

Under Shobha’s leadership, Amrita Yoga® has expanded into a flourishing network that spans more than 30 countries, offering classes, retreats, and workshops for all levels. Known for her intuitive teaching, Shobha supports each individual’s journey toward growth and wellbeing. 

Her classes offer a rare experience of dynamic sequencing that deeply resonates with students. She leads retreats in Amritapuri, and teaches in-person and online classes for all levels. She also conducts workshops across India and around the world, including the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

In 2022, the Indian Yoga Association (IYA) appointed Shobha as Joint Secretary. The IYA, a self-regulatory body recognized by the Ministry of AYUSH (Government of India), unites prominent yoga institutions under one umbrella.

In 2018, Shobha was nominated as an Expert Member of the Council of the Inter-University Center for Yogic Sciences, Bengaluru, established by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

In 2016, she served as the sole woman Expert Committee Member on the 12-member Committee for Yoga Education in Universities, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India.

Currently, Shobha is pursuing a Ph.D. in Yoga at the School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. She also holds a degree in Business Management from Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA, and previously held a managerial position at a major global bank.