Amrita Yoga
Yoga is not like an ordinary physical exercise routine that you practice for one or two hours a day. It is a comprehensive way of life that gives a high level of importance to dharmic values and principles.
“Yoga is the means of awakening the infinite strength within by properly training the body, mind, and intellect and realizing one’s full potential. Yoga helps us become more efficient in worldly life. It enhances our health, sense of well-being, and sensitivity to values. For these reasons, the relevance and popularity of yoga, which can combat lifestyle and psychological diseases that are becoming more and more prevalent today, are increasing by the day. Every Indian can take pride in that yoga was born and sprouted on Indian soil.
Many people ask what is so special about yoga compared with other forms of exercise. Any form of exercise confers innumerable benefits to the body and mind. However, the benefits of doing yoga far surpass those gained from other kinds of exercise.
Most practices rely on rapid bodily movements to reduce fat and develop muscle. In contrast, yoga aims to relax all parts of the body and direct the energy of prana (vital force) in the correct directions. It improves the health of all organs, including glands, purifies the nerves, and alleviates disease. It strengthens the mind and boosts one’s power of concentration. It relaxes and strengthens muscles.
Yoga is more effective than other exercise regimens in reducing depression and helping to maintain a cheerful disposition.”
“Unlike other exercises, yoga asanas (postures) are practiced slowly, paying attention to the breath. At the same time, one must observe every movement of the body with utmost awareness. In this way, one can make the mind serene and foster the experience of meditative stillness. Thus, yoga benefits the body and mind equally.
It is not enough to practice yoga for just one or two hours daily. For example, if a person afflicted with a critical illness wants to recover, he must, in addition to taking medicines, follow a particular diet and get sufficient rest and sleep. Likewise, to gain the full benefits of yoga, we must lead a disciplined and value-based life. By practicing yoga mindfully, we will be able to do every action in life with awareness. This way, we can positively change our thoughts and emotions. Gradually, we can gain more concentration in our meditation and eventually attain Self-realization.
Good health is not the mere absence of disease; it is the ability to work for long hours without tiring, with mental peace, clear memory, and a sharp intellect. Yoga is a practical system through which we can achieve this.
Yoga is a scientific system that helps us increase the efficiency and agility of the body and the mind. Surya Namaskara and other asanas, meditation and pranayama are all part of this. Through pranayama and other asanas, one can balance the body’s prana-shakti and thus improve our health. In addition to this, yogasanas and meditation relax the body and calm the mind. People can choose the technique that suits them best.
For yoga to be effective and provide us with strong immunity, we also have to follow a proper diet. We don’t need any exercise equipment to practice yoga. If even one person in the home learns yoga, they will be able to teach everyone else in the family. If everyone in the family practices yoga, the entire family’s health will improve. This will not only reduce the family’s medical bills, but it will also make their minds calm and increase their intellectual capacity and memory power. If everyone in the home practices yoga and meditation, the entire atmosphere of the home will be transformed. For this to happen, the principle behind yoga should be understood. Then, conflicts will decrease as love and cooperation increase.
If yoga enters the households of all the families in a village, the entire village will become healthy. Their standard of life will be uplifted. When the fundamental principles behind yoga are understood and practiced, we will be able to imbibe many other values as well, like patience, forgiveness, and forbearance. It will also help us develop the love within us.
Yoga is not like an ordinary physical exercise routine that you practice for one or two hours a day. It is a comprehensive way of life that gives a high level of importance to dharmic values and principles. Yoga brings success in both material and spiritual life. Whatever spiritual path you pursue, yoga will definitely help you. Regardless of the country, human nature remains the same. Therefore, the practice of yoga can help one and all, irrespective of nationality or religion.”
“May the world be able to use this priceless treasure bestowed upon it by the ancient rishis of Bharat in the right way.”