Amrita Yoga
Yoga upholds the unity that transcends creed, and ahimsa (non-violence) towards all beings.
These workshops focus on and help you reduce your stress response, uplift your energy, boost your mood and immunity, and process your emotions in a supportive and sustainable way, thus strengthening your awareness. Turn to these classes and workshops as a self-care tool anytime you need gentle support in your life and practice.
Amritapuri is a true respite from our busy lives. Amma has said that this ashram belongs to the whole world! Anyone can come and reconnect with their inner essence. If you need recharging, the spiritual atmosphere in Amritapuri is highly conducive to inner attunement. Amrita Yoga Specialty Retreats provide the structure required for this practice. Each asana class (physical yoga postures), satsang (spiritual talk), meditation, and seva (selfless service) becomes an opportunity to introspect, listen carefully, and deepen that very personal and intimate relationship with our true nature.