Essentials of Practice through Bhakti
– ‘DURGA Namaskarah’ –

“When you correct your inner vision through spiritual practices,
the already-waiting light of pure knowledge will dawn from within.


Who Can Attend?

This is for intermediate to advanced practitioners aiming to refine and expand their Amrita Yoga Sadhana. At least two previous years of a regular asana and breathing practice are required.



The focus is deepening specific intermediate and advanced asanas by emphasizing the different stages for each asana and encouraging each participant to experience the asana at their own level. There will be improved physical strength and flexibility, mental equanimity, and enhanced awareness.


Retreat Elements

  • 9 asana sessions of 90 minutes each with chants from ‘Devi Mahatmyam.’
  • Meditation sessions of 30 minutes each.
  • 1 Question & Answer session of 60 minutes.
  • Yoga talks are based on the Indian yoga tradition and ancient scriptures.

5-Day Yoga Sadhana Retreat Features

The intermediate practitioner develops a deeper understanding of the breath-body connection and the innate rhythm, integrates inner and outer alignment, and focuses on Amrita Yoga Sadhana from a new level of awareness.

Challenging postures are explored in-depth by emphasizing the different stages of each asana. Postures or asanas are taught in settings so that advanced beginners can do the initial stages and more advanced students can do the later stages. This awareness makes it possible to reach a state of unity that leads to a more profound inner journey and better expression of our true essence.

Examples of postures include Sirsasana, Bakasana, Ekahasta Bhujasana, Titthibasana, Mayurasana, and Svarga Dvijasana.

Practitioners are introduced to powerful devotional chants to the Goddess Durga. 

Handout Sequence

Upon completing the retreat, participants will be familiar with ‘Durga Namaskarah,’ a reference sequence that can support their self-practice.

Yoga Sadhana Intermediate to Advanced – Durga Namaskarah

“Amrita Yoga represents devotional practice encompassing the whole 8 limbs of yoga as a living path and practical application of divine union. Amrita Yoga is a restorative, holistic teaching and complete. It is a living prayer in action towards surrender. It is the best introduction to true Yoga.”– Chereo

Yoga Sadhana Intermediate to Advanced – Durga Namaskarah

“A unique experience, a different journey. I was familiar with yoga, and I have been practicing it in different places with different teachers. These last 4 days I learnt a lot about traditional yoga practice, about Amma’s vision, and about myself. The fact that the retreat is approached through a theme Goddess Durga brings us in a very rich trip about history, teachings, introspection. A special gratitude to Shobhana for her passion and sharing her practice with us.”– Laura, France

Yoga Sadhana Intermediate to Advanced – Durga Namaskarah

“I am surprised by how much I learned, particularly about using yoga as a devotional practice and not just for health and discipline.” – David

Yoga Sadhana Intermediate to Advanced – Durga Namaskarah

“This has been an incredible retreat for me. Great attention in each posture is given – increasing my safe practice, knowledge and, most importantly, awareness while in a posture. For the first time, I felt that yoga became a part of worship, such a precious relaxation. If you have the opportunity to take the retreat, you will surely experience it as a blessing.” – Sukanya McAuley, Scotland

Yoga Sadhana Intermediate to Advanced – Durga Namaskarah

“Amrita Yoga represents a return to the true intention and tradition of yoga, which is to seek God-Realization under the guidance of a spiritual master, and not just an asana, pranayama, or even just a meditation practice.” – Vishnu