‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic

All Levels

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

Who Can Attend?

  • First-time practitioners will feel perfectly comfortable working alongside more experienced participants.
  • Perfect for those who need something gentle yet effective to balance the body and reduce stress.
  • Applicable to individuals with specific non-complex health challenges, those who are going through life changes, or anyone striving for optimal health.
  • Our Holistic Health workshops are not designed for any specific injuries. If you have a doubt about your participation due to a health condition, you should get the permission of your doctor and let us know. We suggest you book a private session with Brahmacharini Shobha if you have a specific injury or a health condition.


The focus of Amrita Therapeutics is on linking movement to deep, rhythmic breathing and an emphasis on deep relaxation techniques. In teaching therapeutic asana, we go slowly, encouraging a nurturing relationship with the self. There is a strong focus on deep, healing, conscious relaxation.

Workshop Specifics

Asana classes

The 3-Day workshop consists of 5 asana classes which include both demonstration and practice. The approach to asana is designed to be slow, filled with love and compassion, and deeply nurturing. Asana classes will also include stillness (shiva) and dynamism (shakti) as part of the workshop.

Metaphorical approach

Each asana class includes a gentle sequence of asanas with a metaphorical approach, simple breathing techniques, bhavana, therapeutic mudras (hand gestures), and a relaxation technique.

Talks, meditation, chanting

  • 1 Question and Answer Session.
  • 3 talks/ discussions (1.5 hours each) on other therapeutic systems from ancient India.
  • Meditation sessions.
  • 15 minutes of Vedic chanting (healing mantras) each day.

Participants will receive a practical take-home 30-minute therapeutic sequence.

Why Healing and Holistic Health?

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living is ideal for inner relaxation with awareness and other ancient tools as the center of healing and holistic health.

It is an inherently holistic approach, simultaneously working on the different layers of the body and mind with awareness.

The key elements in Amrita Therapeutics are pure love and complete relaxation. Practicing yoga from this space of total relaxation is an offering from your heart center.

Our asana sequences are based on the ancient wisdom of yoga and Vedic traditions. The sequence includes bhavana (powerful visualization), simple pranayama (breathing) practices, and therapeutic mudras (hand gestures which channel energy in helpful ways).

The core principle is to meet each participant where they are, with therapeutic yoga suited to their needs.
Each aspect is non-competitive, encouraging every practitioner to work at their own optimum level of intensity.

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“Once, a young woman, who was visiting the ashram for the first time, entered the class. The instructor welcomed and explained to her that there would be a regular class for women in a few days, with more rigorous work. The visitor stayed for the entire session and as we walked together after the class, she asked me, whether she would be able to stay in this class as this is was what she came to India for.” – Nandita, U.S.A  

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“The Shiva Shakti 5-Day course was a very healing experience for me. It was led by an expert yoga teacher and the focus on prayer before and during each pose helped enormously, as one of my goals was to start loving yoga. And so it appealed to the devotional aspect in me which would prevent the practice becoming dry, dull or boring.

I hope this course is offered often each year, as not everyone who does yoga aims to wrap their legs around their heads and do the most challenging and complicated poses. The therapeutic poses, using props like chairs, give confidence to those not wishing to injure themselves or who have injuries.

The course was methodically taught and it certainly challenged me enough so that, by the end of the course, my body felt the tremendous benefit. Thank you, Shobhana.” – Victor, Germany

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“Firstly, the teacher was amazing! Her voice was loud, soft, and gently and humbly Humanistic!!!

It was the perfect bridge between my foundation reconnection of faith in my practice of yoga. Perfect unification for the body mind and heart. I will appreciate to have a paper of the mudras. But I am sure I can find it later! I loved meditation on the beach!” – Fanny Claire Anne Proux

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“I came to the program to learn to find internal balance and seek direction and clarity for my life journey. In these last few days, I have learned a new program of asanas and chants that have helped to rebalance and find the peace and bliss I am seeking.” – Adora Chew Siddhi  

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“Many years ago, I learned Iyengar yoga, which taught me perfect alignments in yoga asanas and how to use the mind to go beyond the limitations of the body. But I did not learn how to uproot the deeply rooted pain in my thoracic spine that I already knew had something to do with fear. Approaching this fear and other tensions was beautifully made possible through the “5-Day Shiva Shakti Therapeutic Workshop at Amritapuri. Integrating yoga asanas with the values like acceptance, patience, unity and compassion with the help of vedic mantras, mudras and visualisation was a powerful experience. In that gentle, loving space created letting go became a beautiful dance.” – Pushpa, Finland

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“I am in wonder at the level of healing I experienced in the state of relaxation experienced through this workshop. I came to realize that I was using my body as an instrument to long for God.” – Walter Kaspar Sridev, Austria 

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“It is ‘indescribable’. A deep surrender was happening.” – Elisabeth Laschinger, Germany

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“I experience this yoga as a prayer to look into your heart, to have a deeper and deeper connection and realize the profound peace within.” – Anne Engler Mahima

‘Shiva Shakti’ Therapeutic Workshop for Holistic Living

“Amma talks about the necessity of the feminine element in the world today, within both men and women. The non-competitive nature of Amrita Therapeutic Yoga accepts all levels of flexibility without a trace of judgment or comparison. The instructor’s intuitive and sensitive teaching of this class is inspiring and exciting for the future of the Amrita Yoga System, which I see as Amma’s gift to us.” – Veena, a long term resident of Amritapuri