Amrita Yoga
Yoga upholds the unity that transcends creed, and ahimsa (non-violence) towards all beings.
Amrita Yoga is open to all levels of practitioners. Inspired and guided by Amma, our yoga practices are not just about technique but heart-centered awareness. After an Amrita Yoga experience, practitioners feel more peace, contentment, compassion, and creativity.
Amrita Yoga is offered to a diverse range of abilities and interests in yoga. Those already practicing asana and looking for intermediate instruction can find a good match with our Intermediate options.
In Amritapuri, these classes are taught in English and, depending on the availability of local translators, may also be available with a live translator for your language.
Perfection in asanas is not our goal. Instead, the asana practice is a tool for connecting with the inner self. Amrita Yoga is an inside-out approach, with the breath and MA OM mantras forming the foundation for transformation. Participants gain practical strategies to develop their yoga and meditation skills and how to be of service to the world. Participants comment that the class was an unforgettable experience.
We offer Sadhana Retreats, Specialty Retreats, Online classes, Private sessions and Holistic Health workshops.
Sadhana Retreats are very personalized. The teacher will help you find your level of practice. Every asana has a beginner, intermediate, and advanced stage.
Please click on the button below for detailed information on yoga sadhana retreats offered.
Amrita Therapeutics focuses on inner relaxation through deep relaxation techniques, linking movement to rhythmic breathing and other ancient tools as the center of healing and holistic health.
Please click on the button below for detailed information on holistic health retreats offered.
Turn to these classes and workshops as a self-care tool anytime you need gentle support in your life and practice. An opportunity to introspect, listen carefully, and deepen that very personal and intimate relationship with our true nature….
Please click on the button below for detailed information on specialty retreats offered.