4-Day Beginners Foundation Retreat at Amritapuri, India: September 2-6, 2014

Oct 28, 2014Explore Talks, Yoga Talks

amritayoga.com_Yoga Talks_4Day Beginners Foundation Retreat_Sep-2014Amma’s 61st Birthday celebration is on and Amrita Yoga is reaching out to many new participants adding to the call of the “moment for celebration”!

Amrita Yoga is embracing new practitioners to begin their journey with the 4-Day Beginners Foundation retreat exclusive for beginners. Twenty-seven students from different countries, the majority from Europe, attended this season’s unique course. There were some first timers: first time meeting Amma, first time in India, and first time visiting an ashram!

The yogashala is situated by the southern gate of Amritapuri. As soon as you enter the hall, your heart is captivated by, a huge banner of Amma with Her arms outstretched welcoming everyone into Her Divine embrace, with the caption ‘Awareness in Every Action’!

Each day was filled with two asana sessions and a talk from disciples sharing their real-time experience living with an Enlightened Master. The time passed quickly and the students felt that they had just started, yet they were moving into the fourth day. The final day included a ‘group share’ where each participant had an opportunity to talk about his or her overall experience.

These are some of the testimonials:

  1. I felt Amma’s presence very strongly. I loved the way her presence was evoked through the instructions during all the classes. A very gentle approach and pure atmosphere – it made my body to melt and open effortlessly. My body was just flexible and so it became easy to learn the movements in just four days. The quality of the teacher’s journey was communicated and that really enhanced my practice. I am so happy that there is a style of yoga ‘Amrita Yoga’ here for us, which is taught with compassion. This would so help the west. – Sarala
  2. I have done yoga before but the classes I attended were not with a spiritual emphasis. The focus here at Amrita Yoga helped me to stay connected to the heart and this is very important for me, as I am too much in my head. – Adele Preece
  3. The compassionate way of teaching touches my soul. I felt as if Amma was speaking and teaching. This is on another level! It opens my heart and makes me cry. I feel humility, love and stillness. – Niranjana Annie Marie Denil
  4. I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity. I didn’t know there was so much to it! So much depth! So much detail! It is an experience and cannot be expressed in words. – Erik Klein
  5. Thank you so much for the whole retreat. I came to Amma’s ashram in Amritapuri because I was looking for a ‘serious’ place to do yoga in India. It was an old dream. I found much more. I found deep, profound love and caring. I felt Amma’s presence and love the whole time, during asanas and meditation. I also learned that yoga is not about ego. I knew it, but here, I learned it. Ego will be part of my practice still, but now I understand that it should not be the guide. Love of myself and of the universe gives me the privilege to do yoga within Amma’s light and shall be my only guide. – Peter
  6. I was very happy to participate in this retreat. I have tried many yoga classes in Europe and they were only a gymnastic style. Amrita Yoga has opened me to experience the real feeling of the deeper journey into my purpose. I feel a new connection with myself, with my heart and my body. Thank you to all and Amma. – Anthony Irles
  7. Amrita Yoga has enabled me to spiritually understand myself. I believe that without Amrita Yoga, I would not be able to understand myself better. The course was well-structured, and the approach was so kind. Thank you for providing me peace of mind and for getting to know myself better. – Silvia


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